Klondike MMO

ModBot did a split the room in half.

Room-local userids are re-randomized upon room splits.

Your new room-local userid is #3272. When someone ats you, it'll look like this: 3272.

Global userids are available for subscription. Learn about the benefits of subscribing and buy a subscription now.

Voting for first move is open and will last for 90 seconds.

5371 wat

5371 oh, i c!

443 lol

ModBot 60 seconds left of voting round number one.

155 has entered the room.

443 155 o/

155 443 hey man ^^

155 ♠A to F2

ModBot 30 seconds left of voting round number one.

443 ♠A to F2

443 155 i couldn't decide so i decided to copy you XP

ModBot 15 seconds left of voting round number one.

ModBot 10

ModBot 9

ModBot 8

ModBot 7

ModBot 6

ModBot 5

ModBot 4

ModBot 3

ModBot 2

ModBot 1

ModBot ZERO!

Voting for first move is now closed.

ModBot Time's up! While the votes are tallied and a decision is made, please enjoy this message from our department of customer value deliverance about subscription benefits :)

SubBenefitsBot Did you know? The benefits of subscribing are plentiful. Discover the reasons to subscribe and purchase a subscription today!